Wrapping Happy Tail
What is Happy Tail?
Happy Tail is an injury to the tail usually caused by wagging the tail up against something sharp or rough. The tail may bleed, split open and sometimes the bone in the tail actually breaks. The greyhound community calls this common injury "Happy Tail" because it tends to happen to the happiest dogs that wag the most. It is very common in greyhounds and other breeds without much hair to pad their tails.
Tail injuries bleed a lot and each wag can throw droplets of blood from floor to ceiling. The force of each wag, on a tail this long, throws off scabs and sends blood and most bandages flying. The tail is like a paint brush, painting blood on walls, clothing, other dogs and everything it touches. You can't imagine the amount of blood and the mess this can cause, until you actually experience it. It is very common for tails to have to be amputated after this type of injury, because the dog continues to wag the injured tail whenever it is happy. This injury causes the dog pain with each wag. It is likely to get infected if the wound continues to stay open and is bumping up against everything.
How do I protect a tail from further injury and get it to heal?
This video shows how to wrap an injured tail to prevent the dog from re-injuring it, while it heals. The late John Galui, greyhound trainer, shared this method with us. It works better than all the other methods we have tried. The tape used in the video is Elasticon. It is important to wrap the tail loosely or you can cut off circulation! This is not a substitute for vet care and should only be used until you can get your dog to the vet and to prevent re-injury after your vet examines the tail.
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