Waubun Kween
Adoption Date: 2020-0202-2121
Pet/Kennel Name: Katie
Age: Almost 7
Color/Gender: White with Red Spots Female
Cat Tolerance: No
Small Dog Trainable: Testing
Good w/ Children: Testing
Additional Details:
Katie just arrived from the Running To Stand Still farm. She was a brood mom after retiring from racing and a mom to at least 10 pups that were born in 2018. She only raced 25 races but was good, going straight up to A level at Derby Lane in Florida. She was bumped in her last race on October 7th of 2016 and pulled up. She has been back at the farm since then. Her sire is the famous Djays Octane and her dam is Bumble Rumble. Katie raced at 68lbs and will turn 7 on February 16th. She passed her initial cat test, but has showed increase interest in the cats in her foster home as she has gotten more comfortable, so may need a home with no kitties. More as we get to know her.
Tag: Adoption Pending
Picture: WaubunKween2.jpg
Image Gallery: GC-Dog-Photos-2021/Waubun-Kween/
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