Walt Ford
Adoption Date: 0101-0505-1111
Pet/Kennel Name: Walt
Age: 5 in April
Color/Gender: Red Brindle Male
Cat Tolerance: Yes
Small Dog Trainable: Yes
Good w/ Children: Yes
Fostered by (location): Kaage (Augusta, GA)
Additional Details:
Walt Ford Is a littermate to one of our other recently adopted dogs Ron Green. Ron's family is thrilled with how well behaved he is and we are sure it will be the same with Walt's family. Walt has passed his cat test by only sniffing and wagging, even when the cat ran from him, so should be fine living with cats. Walt is a handsome, red brindle male that is described as being well behaved and friendly by his trainer at the track. He is a happy, fun loving type but is pretty laid back so only plays for a short time. He had a very successful racing career and was retired because his trainer and owner feel his 200 plus races are enough. Not many racers continue racing nearly to their 5th birthday like Walt and his brother Ron did. This is a great guy that has run well and made a great living. Now it is time to enjoy the retired life and maybe get a bit spoiled. He has been great in his foster home and has quickly adjusted to home life as if he always lived in a home. Walt is a sweet, friendly, people-oriented guy that is going to be a fantastic loving pet.
Tag: Adopted
Picture: WaltFord1.JPG
Image Gallery: GC-Dog-Photos-2011/Walt-Ford/
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