Roamin Romeo
Category: 2013 Adoptions
Adoption Status: Adopted by the Covard Family of Aiken, SC 6/10/13Adoption Date: 1010-0606-1313
Pet/Kennel Name: Romeo
Age: 4
Color/Gender: Dark Brindle Male
Cat Tolerance: Testing
Small Dog Trainable: Testing
Good w/ Children: Testing
Fostered by (location): Covard, Augusta, GA
Additional Details:
Romeo is a dark brindle male that is 4 years old. He was born on Nov 11th and raced at 75lbs. He had a long successful race career that started at Bluffs Run and has 115 races listed. He also raced at Southland in Arkansas, Dubuque and finished up at Sarasota so he has done a lot of traveling. He does travel well. He seems like a friendly boy that is pretty calm. His sire is the very famous Dodgem By Design and his dam is Taylor Uhl.
Tag: Adopted
Picture: DSC_0111c.jpg
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