MRL Chato
Adoption Date: 1919-0808-1010
Pet/Kennel Name: Chato
Age: 2
Color/Gender: white with black spots, female
Cat Tolerance: Yes
Small Dog Trainable: Yes
Good w/ Children: Yes
Fostered by (location): Clarke (Simpsonville)
Additional Details:
Chato just arrived. She broke her leg recently so was retired from racing. The break doesn't seem to be a bad one so she should be fine to run around and play in a month or so after it heals. She will be in a splint until it heals. Her trainer describes her as a tiny, bubbly girl that follows her around trying to get her attention. She is a tiny 53lb white and black girl with two big black spots on her back that resemble angel wings and some smaller black freckles (ticking). She did great at her first dog event and would go up calmly to people and lean against them to be petted. Chato seems to like to travel and will hop up on the seat and lay down for the ride. She has done great with the very small dogs and cats in her foster home so should be fine living with either. Chato is a half sister to Lily and CurlyQ, two of our other available girls. Her pedigree
Update: Hi! my name's Chato. My hobbies include loving on you, leash walks, and snuggling. Ok ok, I love eating too! What i'm looking for in a family is someone to love me back, help me stretch my legs a lil, and keep my food bowl full. I'm a very good girl, i just want to make you happy. I don't mind having brothers and sisters but i'm ok with being an only child too. If littler dogs growl at me or snap I just walk away. I am such a good girl. I learned to go potty on a leash really good, and i can even walk on slick floors like hardwood and tile with my splint. So they tell me I could live in an apartment or without a fenced yard. My leg is healing up so well that you can barely tell where I broke it now, I can hardly wait until I can run around and play again. I am a pretty low energy girl so don't require much exercise. I would be perfect for a low energy owner that likes to just go for short walks.
Tag: Adopted
Picture: chato5.jpg
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