
Make A Deposit

Category: 2010 Adoptions
Adoption Status: Adopted by Rutkowski, 9.3.10
Adoption Date: 0303-0909-1010
Pet/Kennel Name: Dee
Age: 3
Color/Gender: Light brindle female
Cat Tolerance: Yes
Small Dog Trainable: Yes
Good w/ Children: Testing
Fostered by (location): Foster (Myrtle Beach)
Additional Details:

Dee is a tiny, light fawn brindle girl without many stripes. She was too shy for a kennel situation and they had difficulty catching her after races. Her trainer thinks she will blossom in a quiet home and be a loving pet though. Like most shy dogs she probably would do best in a home with quiet, older children or no children because she may be frightened by yelling and fast movement. Dee crates quietly and loves her crate. Like most shy greyhounds, she sees it as her safe place. She is curious and wants to interact and will come up and bump you with her nose but then quickly back away. Dee seems to be more comfortable with women than men. Link to her pedigree

Update on Dee from her foster home: She is doing very well. She is very shy, but very curious. She wants to know what everything is, but is often scared. She's got guts, though, because she will slowly come back again and again until she can figure out the new thing. She loves being outside with all of the smells and sights. She is also getting more and more comfortable with handling. In fact, she makes sure that she is always in the same room that I am in. If I move, she is right behind me. She loves getting petted, but is still a little scared to come up and ask for love. But with a little coaxing she will generally come get a few scratches. Dee is a very good eater! She loves her food!! She is a complete fool for any kind of meat and also cheddar cheese.

Dee had her first trip to the beach last night, and she loved it! She even did reasonably well with the people on the beach. She did let a couple of people pet her, which is very impressive, since she is so shy. She was completely unafraid of the water, and just walked right in. She wasn't the least bit fazed by the waves washing up on her feet, either. She had a wonderful time exploring all of the new smells. She is completely comfortable with other dogs of all sizes, and still hasn't given my cats so much as a sniff. This is one super sweet girl. She is going to make a devoted companion, and is going to be a little velcro girl. She just needs some time to gain some confidence.

Update: Once Dee learned to trust her foster mom she has bonded very tightly and is very loving. She is still wary of strangers but is getting better. She gets along great with other dogs and cats.

Tag: Adoption Pending
Picture: MakeADeposit.jpg

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