Adoption Date: 0404-0808-1919
Pet/Kennel Name: Rumor
Age: 5.5
Color/Gender: Black Brindle Female
Cat Tolerance: Yes
Small Dog Trainable: Yes
Good w/ Children: Testing
Fostered by (location): Bowden, Greenville SC
Additional Details:
Rumor initially arrived from the Orange Park Race Track in Jacksonville FL. She was known as Cutie then and is a littermate to one of our volunteer's dogs. She was a good racer and raced 102 races getting up to the top A level. Rumor raced at 66lbs. She retired in December of 2016 and has been in an adoptive home since February of 2017. She will turn 6 on December 5th. Her sire is Dusty Outback and her dam is Nightingale. Rumor quickly checked out the house, found the dog bed, and laid down. She hasn't gotten into anything and followed the other dogs up and down the stairs with no problem. She is a calm, friendly girl. She gets along well with other dogs too. She didn't seem too interested in chasing cats when she met them, so she may do fine in a home with cats. Rumor whines to let you know when she needs to go outside and crates well. She seems like she is a very easy, well behaved girl. She will put her head in your lap to be petted and just stand there as long as you will pet her. Be sure to look at her other pictures to see some really cute ones of her as a baby! Cutie was adopted in Feb of 2017 at 3 years old and renamed Rumor. She lived with another greyhound named Rory who is 8 years old. They are very bonded and they are looking for a home together. Rumor and Rory are available because their owner just died in a tragic tubing accident. She has been freshly vetted including having a few bad teeth pulled and is ready to start her new life.
Tag: Adoption Pending
Picture: 2017-01-22 03.58.01 pm.png
Image Gallery: GC-Dog-Photos-2017/Executie/
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