Easy Sol
Adoption Date: 1010-0505-2020
Pet/Kennel Name: Sol
Age: 1.5
Color/Gender: Black Female
Cat Tolerance: Yes
Small Dog Trainable: Yes
Good w/ Children: Testing
Fostered by (location): Brittain, Lexington SC
Additional Details:
Sol just arrived from Blanchard Kennel at the Orange Park Race Track in Jacksonville FL. She is a tiny girl that weighed just 50lbs at the vet. She never actually raced. She is a young girl that won't turn 2 until August 9th. Her sire is the famous Trent Lee and her dam is Easi Bandit. Sol is very sweet, and playful and still acts like a puppy. Her response to meeting a fluffy white dog was to crouch down and crawl along the ground in a submissive puppy posture. Sol also passed her cat test with just some curious sniffing before she lost interest. Sol was a little unsure of everything new in her foster home at first and would pace around the house before finally laying down. Sol was jumpy about loud household noises at first. She seemed to prefer to be around other greyhounds so may do best with another greyhound for company. She loves toys and loves going for a run in the yard after going potty. She was vetted at Clinton Animal Hospital.
Tag: Adoption Pending
Picture: Easi Sol5.jpg
Image Gallery: GC-Dog-Photos-2020/Easi-Sol/
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