Miles Per Hour
Pet/Kennel Name: Miles
Age: puppy
Color/Gender: Brindle Male
Cat Tolerance: Yes
Small Dog Trainable: Yes
Good w/ Children: Yes
Fostered by (location): Greenville, SC (Johnson)
Additional Details:
Miles arrived with his mother Sara and his brother Otto when the pups were 5 weeks old. The pups were the result of an unplanned breeding so could not be raced professionally. Their mother Sara had been retired for awhile and was also placed through Greyhound Crossroads. We also recieved a 3rd littermate Kohle a few weeks later and a sister a few months after that that were also adopted through our group. His Pedigree
Update after adoption: Miles has been a great pup. He is very sweet and outgoing and is the happiest dog. He does events to promote greyhound adoption and is a performer with the Hounds of East Fairhaven which is a group that promotes greyhound adoptions at the Georgia and Carolina Renaissance Festivals. Miles earned his Canine Good Citizen title at 8 months old and earned his CGCA title after that. Miles does agility, obedience, rally Lure coursing, amateur racing and Barn Hunt. He finished in the top 20 in LGRA amateur racing in 2012 and in the Top 10 in NOTRA Amateur Racing in 2012 He grew up into a very tall handsome guy. He and his brothers got together to play often.
The pups mother, Sara passed away in Dec of 2013 suddenly of unknown causes. Miles brother, Kohle passed away of cancer in April of 2016 at just 6 years old. Miles brother Otto passed away a couple of months later in June of 2016 of Bone Cancer. Miles went to join his brothers at the bridge 8/5/16 after a very rare condition where bubbles form on the lung and pop causing air around the lungs and the inability to breathe. Emergency surgery was attempted but his lungs had too many of the bubbles on them to save him. There is no known cause and not much is known about the condition. He was a member of the family and his bubbly personality and sweet face will be missed.
Tag: Adopted
Picture: Miles667c.jpg
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