
DTA Dundee

Category: 2013 Adoptions
Adoption Status: Adopted by Shirey from Grovetown GA 8/29/13
Adoption Date: 2929-0808-1313
Pet/Kennel Name: Dundee
Age: 3
Color/Gender: Black Male
Cat Tolerance: Yes
Small Dog Trainable: Yes
Good w/ Children: Yes
Fostered by (location): Collins in Columbia SC
Additional Details:

Dundee just arrived from the Orange Park track in Jacksonville. His sire is Kiowa Mon Manny and his dam is AMF Toyota Turbo. He raced at 77lbs and turned 3 on May 10th. Dundee has quite the story! He was an excellent racer that competed at the top level of racing there and even competed in special big money stakes races! His luck wasn't all good though, while laying next to the fence outside he got bit by a cottonmouth snake on his upper back leg. It caused him to lose most of the skin on the back of his leg. They weren't sure he could be saved because it was pretty bad by the time they noticed the snake bite. Dundee lived at the vet's for a long time and he surprised everyone by surviving. His last race was at the end of April and that was about the time of the snake bite. He has been recooperating since. His leg has healed over but does have a bad scar on it now. It doesn't affect his running and the vet said he could have even gone back to racing. His racing owner wouldn't hear of it and wanted to retire him because he had been lucky enough to survive. While we were in Florida to pick up dogs everyone at the track from the vet to trainers to adoption people were talking about their miracle dog Dundee. Everyone said he was the sweetest greyhound they had ever met and that he really had a special personality. We met him and agreed - he really was a happy, outgoing, guy with such a special personality so we asked if our group could take him. Dundee is very cat tolerant. He had been moved to the track adoption kennel and went into one of their foster homes. Their cat cornered him and he was so scared he wouldn't go near the cat again. He also has been around lots of kids in the adoption kennel and they said he really loves kids and follows them around. Most of the trip up he had his head resting on us trying to snuggle. Dundee is a super, sweet, loving, happy guy!

His Pedigree

Tag: Adopted
Picture: DTA_Dundee175.jpg

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